
Everything You Need to Know About Our VG series Gas Flushing & Vacuum Sealers!

Free Gas Flush & Vacuum VG-602 PDF

    One of the most effective impulse heat sealers from Fuji Impulse America is the gas flushing impulse vacuum sealer. This sealer offers two different series (VG-402 and VG-602) that are beneficial for a wide range of industries and applications.

    The Fuji Impulse Vacuum and Gas Flushing Sealer VG-602 PDF clearly explains the typical industries, model specifications and safety features for the VG-602 model. You will also receive an overview of the design, safety features, and operation details for the VG-602 model.

    This PDF will explain:

    • Which industries work best with the Gas Flushing and Vacuum Impulse Sealer VG-602
    • The detailed operation and safety measures
    • A detailed overview of the VG-602’s power consumption, heating method, seal strength and much more!

    Determine which gas flushing and vacuum impulse sealer is right for your industry!