Ink Printing or Hot Stamping

Ink Printing or Hot Stamping: Which is Right for Your Packaging?

Looking to give your product line that extra edge? The right logo design on your packaging can do just that, but before you start adding your logo to all of your packages, you’ll have to decide between ink printing and hot stamping.

Understanding the Differences

Both of these processes are completely unique. The only real similarity is the fact that in the end, your customers see a perfect reflection of your company on the packaging. Hot stamping requires heating up colored foil and melting it on the box or bag to get an embossed look. Ink printing is just that, writing in ink on the packaging. It looks crisp and finished.

Which Is Right For Me?

Not sure which of these processes is right for your company? Your final decision actually depends on a number of factors. First, think about what you want. While some designs may look great in ink, hot stamping can typically make your design pop in a way that just isn’t possible with ink. Second, consider the packaging itself. Some packaging is naturally suited to hot stamping while other options work best with ink printing. Finally, think about your staff. Hot stamping is a dry process. Ink printing isn’t. You’ll need to continually worry about mixing inks. For many shops, that alone is enough to convince them to move forward with hot stamping. Add that to the fact that hot stamping tends to be more durable than ink printing, and you have the simplified process that so many lean toward in today’s business.

To learn more about hot stamping and our complete selection of hot stamp printers, contact us today. It’s a marketing tool that you can use again and again for all of your company’s packaging needs.